Empower, Renew, and Transform Yourself

Group Coaching

for Women

Join a compassionate group of like-minded women as you navigate the waves of your divorce journey together.

Empower, Renew, and Transform Yourself

Group Coaching for Women

Join a compassionate group of like-minded women as you navigate the waves of your divorce journey together.

Current Openings

*All sessions are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month

4 Seats Available

Tuesdays @

2pm EST/ 1pm CST/ 11am PST

Hey there, Gorgeous!

Let's be real, this divorce rollercoaster is a lonely ride. But, it doesn't have to ruin your life.

With the right tools and guidance, you can navigate this journey with less stress and more clarity, confidence, and even excitement about the future.

We're here to offer you personalized support tailored to your needs. Get all your questions answered, find the stress relief you deserve, and begin to feel hopeful again. Let's ride this out together.

Your Coaching Program Benefits

  • Empathetic Guidance:

    Benefit from the personal experiences and insights of two certified divorce coaches who've navigated their own divorces, offering you relatable and compassionate support.

  • Customized Support in a Small Group: Engage in an intimate group setting where you receive personalized and focused guidance, tailored to your unique journey through and beyond divorce.

  • Regular, Scheduled Coaching Sessions: Join Zoom sessions every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, providing you with consistent support and an opportunity to track your progress and growth.

  • Personalized Email Check-ins: Stay connected between sessions with personalized email communications from your coaches, ensuring your specific needs are continually addressed.

  • Session Recordings for Your Convenience:

    Missed a session? No problem. You can request recordings of each session via email, so you never miss out on valuable insights and advice.

  • Commitment-Free Participation: Feel at ease with a no-pressure environment. You have the freedom to cancel at any time, ensuring the program aligns with your needs and comfort level.

  • Build a Supportive Community: Connect with other women going through similar experiences, creating a network of support and understanding that extends beyond the coaching sessions.

Your Coaching Program Benefits

  • Empathetic Guidance: Benefit from the personal experiences and insights of two certified divorce coaches who've navigated their own divorces, offering you relatable and compassionate support.

  • Customized Support in a Small Group: Engage in an intimate group setting where you receive personalized and focused guidance, tailored to your unique journey through and beyond divorce.

  • Regular, Scheduled Coaching Sessions: Join Zoom sessions every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, providing you with consistent support and an opportunity to track your progress and growth.

  • Personalized Email Check-ins: Stay connected between sessions with personalized email communications from your coaches, ensuring your specific needs are continually addressed.

  • Session Recordings for Your Convenience: Missed a session? No problem. You can request recordings of each session via email, so you never miss out on valuable insights and advice.

  • Commitment-Free Participation: Feel at ease with a no-pressure environment. You have the freedom to cancel at any time, ensuring the program aligns with your needs and comfort level.

  • Build a Supportive Community: Connect with other women going through similar experiences, creating a network of support and understanding that extends beyond the coaching sessions.

Ready to ditch the confusion and overwhelm?

Our Group Coaching Sessions are designed to give you the customized tools, support, and guidance you need to thrive through divorce and beyond!

Ready to ditch the confusion and overwhelm?

Our Group Coaching Sessions are designed to give you the customized tools, support, and guidance you need to thrive through divorce and beyond!

Welcome to our oasis of support!

If you're knee-deep in your divorce, craving personalized guidance, you've landed in the right spot.

Here, you'll find a safe space

where you can ask us all of your questions, share your struggles, and get lots of love and support.

Our mission? To empower women like you to not only survive but

create the healthy, fulfilling life you and your kids deserve.

We're here to guide you through every aspect of


– whether it's with your attorney, mediator, GAL, co-parent, or anyone else involved.

Plus, you'll gain invaluable tools to set stronger

boundaries, let go of emotions like anger and resentment, rebuild your self-esteem, and emerge as the most empowered version of yourself as you move forward.

Welcome to our oasis of support!

If you're knee-deep in your divorce, craving personalized guidance, you've landed in the right spot.

Here, you'll find a safe space where you can ask us all of your questions, share your struggles, and get lots of love and support.

Our mission? To empower women like you to not only survive but create the healthy, fulfilling life you and your kids deserve.

We're here to guide you through every aspect of communication – whether it's with your attorney, mediator, GAL, co-parent, or anyone else involved.

Plus, you'll gain invaluable tools to set stronger boundaries, let go of emotions like anger and resentment, rebuild your self-esteem, and emerge as the most empowered version of yourself as you move forward.

Why Join Our Group Coaching Program?

Group coaching on Zoom, held twice monthly, offers a supportive community of women who understand exactly what you're going through. It's an opportunity to gain insight from their stories, learn from their questions, and experience the power of shared healing.

Oh, and did we mention the flexibility? With our commitment-free monthly payment plan, you've got the freedom to jump in, dive deep, and cancel anytime.

Why Join Our Group Coaching Program?

Group coaching on Zoom, held twice monthly, offers a supportive community of women who understand exactly what you're going through. It's an opportunity to gain insight from their stories, learn from their questions, and experience the power of shared healing.

Oh, and did we mention the flexibility? With our commitment-free monthly payment plan, you've got the freedom to jump in, dive deep, and cancel anytime.

Group Coaching Is

For You If:

  • You're Struggling with Co-Parenting or Communicating with Your Ex

    If communicating with your ex makes you want to pull your hair out, we're here to be your guides. We offer practical strategies and emotional support to help you navigate the complexities of co-parenting with confidence and set boundaries like a boss.

  • You're Navigating the Legal Process and Need Support Every Step of the Way

    From trial to mediation, we've got your back. We're here to help you prepare for court or mediation, providing you with tips, tools, and insights to navigate the legal process with confidence. Understand what to expect, learn how to present yourself effectively, and feel empowered and less overwhelmed as you face this challenging phase.

  • You Need Help Communicating with Key Players in Your Divorce Process

    Struggling to communicate with your attorney, mediator, GAL, or co-parenting coordinator? You're not alone. Our expertise extends to helping you navigate these crucial interactions effectively. We're here to address your questions, set clear expectations for communication, teach you how to advocate for yourself confidently, and brainstorm solutions if your current approach isn't yielding results. With our guidance, you'll feel empowered to navigate these conversations with clarity and confidence, ensuring your voice is heard throughout the process.

  • You're a Mom Who Feels Like You're Sucking at Momming

    Is your divorce consuming your every thought, leaving you with a constant weight of mom guilt? We understand. Your well-being is vital for your kids' happiness and stability. That's why we're here to equip you with the tools to navigate this journey in a healthier, more balanced way. By prioritizing your own well-being, you'll emerge even stronger and healthier, setting an inspiring example for your kids of the resilient, badass mama you truly are.

  • You Know Community is Crucial

    If you feel isolated and crave connection with women who truly understand, our group coaching sessions provide a safe space where shared experiences lead to collective healing and strength. Hearing others' stories, struggles and victories, lead to invaluable insights. Women supporting other women is a truly magical experience.

  • You Want a Flexible Commitment: Like a Gym Membership, But for Your Emotional Muscles

    We've got you covered! Our flexible monthly plan lets you dip your toe in the coaching waters without feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending subscription service. Join us for as long as you need, and leave when you're ready to spread your wings and fly.

  • You're Ready for a Serious Transformation

    If you're at a stage where you're prepared to embrace change, to grow, and to transform your life, this is the perfect springboard for your legendary comeback.

Group Coaching Is For You If:

  • You're Struggling with Co-Parenting or Communicating with Your Ex

    If communicating with your ex makes you want to pull your hair out, we're here to be your guides. We offer practical strategies and emotional support to help you navigate the complexities of co-parenting with confidence and set boundaries like a boss.

  • You're Navigating the Legal Process and Need Support Every Step of the Way

    From trial to mediation, we've got your back. We're here to help you prepare for court or mediation, providing you with tips, tools, and insights to navigate the legal process with confidence. Understand what to expect, learn how to present yourself effectively, and feel empowered and less overwhelmed as you face this challenging phase.

  • You Need Help Communicating with Key Players in Your Divorce Process

    Struggling to communicate with your attorney, mediator, GAL, or co-parenting coordinator? You're not alone. Our expertise extends to helping you navigate these crucial interactions effectively. We're here to address your questions, set clear expectations for communication, teach you how to advocate for yourself confidently, and brainstorm solutions if your current approach isn't yielding results. With our guidance, you'll feel empowered to navigate these conversations with clarity and confidence, ensuring your voice is heard throughout the process.

  • You're a Mom Who Feels Like You're Sucking at Momming

    Is your divorce consuming your every thought, leaving you with a constant weight of mom guilt? We understand. Your well-being is vital for your kids' happiness and stability. That's why we're here to equip you with the tools to navigate this journey in a healthier, more balanced way. By prioritizing your own well-being, you'll emerge even stronger and healthier, setting an inspiring example for your kids of the resilient, badass mama you truly are.

  • You Know Community is Crucial

    If you feel isolated and crave connection with women who truly understand, our group coaching sessions provide a safe space where shared experiences lead to collective healing and strength. Hearing others' stories, struggles and victories, lead to invaluable insights. Women supporting other women is a truly magical experience.

  • You Want a Flexible Commitment: Like a Gym Membership, But for Your Emotional Muscles

    We've got you covered! Our flexible monthly plan lets you dip your toe in the coaching waters without feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending subscription service. Join us for as long as you need, and leave when you're ready to spread your wings and fly.

  • You're Ready for a Serious Transformation

    If you're at a stage where you're prepared to embrace change, to grow, and to transform your life, this is the perfect springboard for your legendary comeback.

Total Value OVER: $6,999

Enroll Today For Just



Or Pay 5 Months in Full and Get Your 6th Month FREE!

Total Value: $6,999

Enroll Today For Just



Or Pay 5 Months in Full and Get Your 6th Month FREE!


"I'm so very, very grateful for the both of you. You've been my saving grace. Being seen and validated that what I'm going through is hell meant a lot to me. Sam, thank you for your straightforward feedback to keep me on track and hilarious one-liners to break the tension. Leah, thank you for greeting me with a smile and your empathy, kind heart, positive encouragement and affordable resource guides. The knowledge you both have and share is invaluable. I wish so much I had this coaching resource from the beginning. I would've saved so much time, money, stress, and ignorant mistakes. You provide a roadmap to cut through the B.S."

-Katie H.

Meet Your Coaches

Leah Marie Mazur

Certified Divorce Recovery Coach

Leah is the founder of Mindfully Ready and has experienced two divorces of her own. She specializes in helping women release guilt, shame, and anger so they can heal and move forward. Divorce sucks, but your comeback will be legendary!

Samantha Boss

Divorce Coach and Mediator

Sam is certified and trained but her experience in her own journey of 16 years has enabled her to connect with her client’s emotions, fears, worries and goals as newly single parents. She specializes in high-conflict divorce and helping her clients create air-tight parenting plans.

Meet Your Coaches

Leah Marie Mazur

Certified Divorce Recovery Coach

Leah is the founder of Mindfully Ready and has experienced two divorces of her own. She specializes in helping women release guilt, shame, and anger so they can heal and move forward. Divorce sucks, but your comeback will be legendary!

Samantha Boss

Divorce Coach and Mediator

Sam is certified and trained but her experience in her own journey of 16 years has enabled her to connect with her client’s emotions, fears, worries and goals as newly single parents. She specializes in high-conflict divorce and helping her clients create air-tight parenting plans.


"What if I want to cancel my membership?"

You can cancel your monthly membership any time, no questions asked! You also have the option to pay 6 months in full for only $1100 - that's one month of group coaching for FREE!

"How do I access the group coaching sessions?"

When you enroll you'll be sent the Zoom link to join each coaching session.

​"How will the charge appear on my credit card statement?"

The purchase will show up as "Coaching."


"What if I want to cancel my membership?"

You can cancel your monthly membership any time, no questions asked! You also have the option to pay 6 months in full for only $1100 - that's one month of group coaching for FREE!

"How do I access the group coaching sessions?"

When you enroll you'll be sent the Zoom link to join each coaching session.

​"How will the charge appear on my credit card statement?"

The purchase will show up as "Coaching."

Need to cancel your monthly Group Coaching Membership?

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